Pet Portraits
Over the years, I have done a considerable amount of commissioned portraits. Whether it is your favorite childhood pet, your current furry friend or just a beautiful animal that you want a keepsake for, let me know. Below is a sample of some of the commissioned work I have done in the past as well as some animals that were just too cute to pass up.

If you want me to commission a portrait for you, I will need to know the desired size, subject and several photographs of the subject. From that, I will be able to determine a price. Please email me with the above specifications and we can get started immediately with your own portrait.

Just click the thumbnail to view the full size of the portraits.
Brownie and Bogie
Wood Bridge's Athena

Bodie and Gus
Bulldog Pup
Beamer and Rainbow
Terra and Carley, my own pups
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